Mittelrheinbrücke | Sankt Goar Sankt – Goarshausen Germany
Sankt Goar, Germany
The Mittelrheinbruecke is located in the World heritage site of the Upper Middle Rhine Valley. The design takes a simple approach, create a structure as low, as horizontal and as thin as possible in order to minimise the visual impact.
Structure: Above ? Below ? In ? Between Though the central span of the bridge, which crosses the river, may seem at first glance the most important element, in the context of this sensitive landscape, the ramps that negotiate the level difference between the required ship clearance and the road levels, potentially have equal if not greater impact for the river valley than the central span.
Fact sheet
Client Landesbetrieb Mobilitaet Rheinland Pfalz
Date 2009 (Competition Winner)
Location Sankt Goar, Germany
Structures | Civil Arup
Landscape Mitchell & Associates
Model Andrew Ingham & Associates
Model Photographs Richard Davies
Renderings Archimation
heneghan peng architects
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